
Thursday, April 12, 2012

How I Do It

It's been 2 Months since I posted last! These 2 months have actually gone by FAST!! 2 1/2 more (which will hit our 9 months- 1/2 way point to the end) and we get to see Daddy again for a couple weeks! YAY!!! My heart beats faster and faster every time I dream of the day he walks off the plane, it's one of the most amazing feelings in the world when we reunite! I can't wait!!! I pray everyday that God blesses me with the strength and Patience I need to make it through that day, and he always answers! I wouldn't make it without Him!!! People are constantly asking me how I do it, well this is how- GOD (LOTS AND LOTS OF PRAYING!!!), My Mom and Dad (Who are always right here when I need!) and ... I have started a couple new Hobbies (Had to put a stop to the hobby, or I should say Addiction, of shopping!!!), to keep these months going... Reading and Making Fudge! I Love them both! :) I Love making Fudge for others, I try not to eat much myself or I'd be gaining LOTS during this deployment haha... As for reading-- I am picky about my books, but have been finding some really great ones!!! My amazing Husband bought me a Kindle Fire (For an early Mother's Day Present) and I can not wait to get it!! I am thinking about joining a Christian Book Club (If I can find one around this area, or maybe I'll Have to start one, which I'm ALWAYS up to doing!) Some of my Favorite Books I've read lately, that I HIGHLY Suggest are: "Real Moms, Real Jesus"... "Heaven Is For Real"... and Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace". Between God, my parents, and Reading great books, this is how I make it through my Days!! :-) "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13 NIV ~ The Spry Family ~

1 comment:

www.laborofwonder.comom said...

I loooooved Heaven is for real. I want to get the kids edition for my little ones!